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International Champions Cup

In the lead-up to the very first International Champions Cup, we wanted to jump-start awareness about the tournament and encourage fans to attend local matches. To do so we used engaging content and conversation starters to begin to build a fan base.

Using paid media, we heavily targeted the ideal ICC viewer by specifying location, gender, age, and individual interests - including specific teams and athletes. The Facebook fan acquisition was one of the best performing campaigns we've seen.

This is the bracket we used to initially tease out the teams in the tournament. We then updated it throughout the season.

Working with Ronaldo

In tandem with Cristiano Ronaldo's social media team, we were able to leverage one of soccer's most popular stars with our targeted paid media spend to garner interest for the tournament.

The ICC Best XI

This content series called upon fans to vote for who they thought were the best ICC players at their respective positions. The result was a socially-drafted "ICC's Best-Eleven" squad.

Run of Play

While the action was happening, we needed to be able to react to what was going on both on the field and on social. A creative war room was assembled to deploy designed content and personalized responses. The real-time content and one-to-one engagement enhanced our presence and fans’ connection to the brand.

Game Updates

Using photos taken by our team on the field, we coordinated with our design team to create and promote game updates.


This yellow card series sought out people talking about the
tournament and reacted with playful and personalized images. 

CW // Greg Schneider

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